Today, Bristol is forecasted to experience temperatures soaring to 27°C, according to the Met Office. The peak temperature of 27°C is expected from 3 PM to 4 PM, with the day starting at 25°C at midday and gradually rising through the afternoon. By 5 PM, temperatures will slightly drop to 26°C, remaining steady until 7 PM before cooling off to the low 20s as evening approaches.

In a broader context, the UK recorded its hottest day of the year yesterday, with a high of 30.3°C at Heathrow Airport. This comes amidst a yellow heat health alert in most of England, warning of potential health risks to vulnerable groups. The heatwave is expected to subside by Thursday, with forecasted temperatures falling to the low to mid-20s accompanied by rain and wind, particularly in the northern regions. The south of England will see cooler and less rainy conditions compared to the north.