Channel 4 recently launched a new drama series titled The Gathering, which explores the complexities of teenage life in the digital age. Positioned as a modern successor to the earlier series Skins, The Gathering integrates themes of technology and social media into its narrative.

The show is set in the suburbs of Liverpool and centers around two main characters from different backgrounds who attend the same gymnastics club. Eve Morgan plays Kelly, a girl from a modest home who engages in free-running with friends for excitement. In contrast, Sadie Soverall portrays Jess, who is focused on her piano recital for a Royal School of Music application. The storyline hints at a looming tragedy involving a serious accident at an underground rave, suggesting a potential crime element to unfold.

Parental influence is a significant theme, with the series detailing how the toxic behavior of the girls’ parents impacts their lives. Notable performances include Vinette Robinson, who plays Jess’s controlling mother, Natalie.

The Gathering aims to resonate with Gen Z viewers with its contemporary soundtrack and themes about the impacts of parental trust erosion and social media intrusion. The series is currently available for streaming on Channel 4.