At the New York City premiere of the movie “IF” on Monday, comedian Amy Schumer, 42, showcased an elegant monochromatic red outfit. Hosted at a notable venue in the city, Schumer arrived dressed in a muted red double-breasted blazer, matching vest, and straight-leg trousers. She accessorized with a pair of circular sunglasses.

The film “IF,” a family comedy blending animated and live-action sequences, was written and directed by John Krasinski. It features a storyline about a girl who has the ability to see and interact with imaginary friends of adults, aiming to reconnect them. The premiere saw Schumer joining a distinguished cast for photos, including Awkwafina, Emily Blunt, and Steve Carell, among others.

Notably, Schumer attended the premiere without her husband, chef Chris Fischer, and their five-year-old son, Gene. The movie also includes vocal contributions from Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, along with other significant names such as George Clooney and Bradley Cooper.

“IF,” also known as “Imaginary Friends,” is set to release in theaters across the United States on May 17, following a promotional campaign that included a trailer released in December 2023.