Emilia Perez, a musical drama starring Selena Gomez and Zoe Saldana, premiered at the 77th Cannes Film Festival, receiving an 11-minute standing ovation. Directed by Jacques Audiard, the film features Saldana as Rita, a lawyer hired by cartel leader Manitas, played by Karla Sofia Gascon, to help him transition into the woman he has always dreamed of becoming. Manitas’ wife is portrayed by Gomez. Edgar Ramirez also stars in this film.

The emotional response from the audience was captured in videos shared online, showing Gomez, Saldana, and Gascon visibly moved by the reception. The movie, which is in contention for the prestigious Palme d’Or, had a star-studded premiere with Hollywood actors like James Franco, Salma Hayek, and Eva Longoria in attendance.

Scheduled for release in France on August 28, Emilia Perez was shot predominantly in studios, giving Audiard the creative freedom for its musical and choreographed elements. The film marks a significant moment for the cast and crew, garnering critical acclaim at one of the world’s most esteemed film festivals.