June Gardening Tips from Experts

Gardening experts Jamie Shipley and Julian Palphramand have shared essential tasks for maintaining a thriving garden in June. These recommendations focus on pruning, deadheading, watering, lawn care, managing weeds, controlling pests, and creating vibrant hanging baskets.

Pruning and Deadheading
Jamie Shipley, managing director of Hedges Direct, advises pruning early spring flowering shrubs like weigela, deutzias, and rhododendrons after they have flowered. This ensures they maintain shape and bloom more the following year but cautions to check for nesting birds. Deadheading plants like roses regularly will encourage more blooms and healthy growth.

Watering deeply but less often helps encourage deep-root growth. Newly planted trees and shrubs require regular, deep watering in their first year to establish. Using rainwater collection systems can be more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Lawn Care
Shipley advises mowing the lawn once or twice a week, being careful not to over-cut during dry weather to prevent damage. Newly laid turf should be watered frequently to help establish roots.

Weeding is crucial to prevent persistent weeds like bindweed and ground elder from spreading. Using bark mulch can help suppress weed growth and retain soil moisture.

Pest Control
Keeping an eye on pests such as slugs, snails, and fungal infections like Hellebore Leaf Spot and Box Blight is important. Natural methods such as beer traps for slugs and snails, and proper plant maintenance can help control these problems.

Creating Hanging Baskets
Julian Palphramand from British Garden Centres suggests using a mix of trailing, upright, and filler plants for a showy hanging basket. Popular choices include petunias, fuchsias, lobelia, and geraniums. Using water-retaining granules and slow-release plant food can help maintain moisture and provide consistent nutrients. Regular watering, removing dead flowers, and feeding plants every few weeks are vital for maintaining a beautiful display.

Both experts emphasize the importance of mindful planting and maintenance to enjoy a healthy and aesthetically pleasing garden throughout the summer months.