The landscape of professional workplaces is undergoing a significant transformation with the increasing integration of generative AI (genAI) tools, according to a recent survey conducted by Contentful. This survey, which encompassed 820 professionals across a spectrum of industries and countries, reveals a strong enthusiasm for genAI, alongside notable benefits in terms of time saved and productivity gains.

GenAI tools are not only changing the nature of work but also highlighting a growing divide between companies that have adopted these tools and those yet to embrace them. A majority of surveyed professionals reported company-sponsored access to these technologies, with 37% stating they save between five and ten hours weekly due to genAI usage. This substantial time saving underscores genAI’s role in enhancing workplace efficiency.

Yet, adoption rates vary, and for the 11% of professionals not using genAI, the primary barriers are lack of access and absence of organizational guidelines on these technologies. This points to a significant gap in adoption that could potentially affect competitiveness and operational efficiency among businesses.

The survey also explored the levels of genAI knowledge and engagement among professionals, revealing a disparity in excitement and activity between those highly knowledgeable about genAI and the less informed. Professionals well-versed in genAI are leveraging these tools more actively and recognizing their beneficial impacts, suggesting that education and familiarity might drive further adoption and innovative uses of AI.

A notable aspect of the survey is the expressed need for more guidance on responsible genAI usage. While some professionals feel adequately informed, over half of the respondents desire additional corporate training and support, highlighting the importance of responsible AI integration into business practices.

As organizations consider the integration of AI more deeply into their operations, there’s a pronounced trend towards not only utilizing existing Large Language Models (LLMs) but also developing proprietary ones. This dual approach illustrates a proactive stance towards tailoring AI functionalities to better meet specific organizational needs and objectives.

Contentful, known for its intelligent composable content platform, conducted this Generative AI Professional Usage and Perception Survey to better position its offerings to meet the evolving demands of the digital content sector. Their focus on empowering organizations to harness AI effectively aligns with industry trends towards increasing personalization and efficiency in content management and delivery.

The implications of this survey are vast, suggesting that as more organizations harness the potential of genAI tools, they can unlock new levels of efficiency, creativity, and market responsiveness. This technological shift, while promising, also calls for thoughtful integration strategies that consider the ethical dimensions and the need for comprehensive education on genAI capabilities and implications. Ultimately, businesses that can effectively integrate these tools while providing adequate support and guidelines are likely to lead in the evolving digital-first business landscape.