Tempus, a renowned player in the realm of artificial intelligence and precision medicine, has made a significant stride by contributing de-identified tumor profile data associated with over 3,000 cancer diagnoses to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). This substantial data donation represents a pioneering move aimed at supporting the NCI’s endeavors to enhance cancer research by delving into the nuances of each individual afflicted by cancer.

Derived from advanced-stage cancer patients who underwent sequencing using Tempus’ xT assay, the de-identified data files accompanied by limited clinical information will complement the sequencing outcomes cultivated through The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). The access to this tumor data will be facilitated through the NCI Data Enclave, which will securely house various data files acquired from clinical settings, including genomic sequencing.

Researchers will have the privilege to explore and analyze this treasure trove of data by employing an Application Programming Interface (API) to interact indirectly with the NCI Data Enclave. The returned cohort level summary results will be openly accessible to the entire cancer research community, fostering collaborative efforts and knowledge sharing within the scientific community.

Dr. Ezra Cohen, Chief Medical Officer of Oncology at Tempus, emphasized that Tempus’ commitment to advancing cancer research is fortified by the proactive sharing of extensive multimodal data to catalyze improvements in patient care. He highlighted the immense value of a dataset of this magnitude as a pivotal instrument for research entities to expedite their scientific endeavors with tangible outcomes.

Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, PhD, from the NCI, underscored the significance of data contributions in propelling cancer research forward, indicating that datasets like the one offered by Tempus are instrumental in enhancing genomic data resources available to the cancer research community. This infusion of data is seen as crucial to bolster the statistical power needed to scrutinize rare cancers and assorted subtypes of common cancers.

Tempus, as a trailblazer in leveraging AI for precision medicine, harbors a vision of personalized patient care through the amalgamation of vast, accessible data with cutting-edge technology. By enabling physicians with AI-driven precision medicine solutions, Tempus aims to nurture a healthcare ecosystem where every patient reaps the benefits of previous treatment outcomes, thus fostering a continuous cycle of learning and improvement.

In a landscape where data reigns supreme in enhancing medical outcomes, Tempus’ generous data contribution to the NCI not only exemplifies a significant leap in cancer research but also underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in advancing precision medicine for the betterment of patient care and therapeutic discovery.

For more insights into Tempus and their groundbreaking initiatives, visit tempus.com.