“The Sympathizer” is a seven-part miniseries created by director Park Chan-wook and writer Don McKellar, based on Viet Thanh Nguyen’s Pulitzer-winning novel. It premiered on May 27, 2024, on Sky and streaming service NOW. Set after the US war in Vietnam, the series follows The Captain (played by Hoa Xuande), a spy in the American-backed police force secretly reporting to the communist Viet Cong. After the fall of Saigon, he flees to the US as a refugee, continuing his double life under the scrutiny of a paranoid General (Toan Le).

Robert Downey Jr. takes on four distinct roles, including a CIA handler, a college professor, a congressman, and a filmmaker. Sandra Oh also stars, delivering a layered performance as Sofia Mori, a Japanese-American secretary involved with The Captain. The series features inventive transitions and a compelling narrative exploring cultural and internal conflicts.