In a captivating addition to the world of fantasy literature, “Shards of Fate,” a novel by Edward Loom, has recently been launched, marking the beginning of a trilogy that is set to fascinate fans of epic fantasy narratives. Released under Histria Books’ Addison & Highsmith Publishers imprint, renowned for its commitment to exceptional original works of fiction, this book stands out as a promising debut for Loom in the realm of fantasy novels.

Set against a backdrop of darkness and propelled by a narrative of survival against odds imbued with an ancient legacy, “Shards of Fate” introduces readers to Thaidren. He is no ordinary protagonist; as a paladin of darkness and a knight of Death, Thaidren bears the heavy title of Dark Prince. Entrapped in a destiny that bars him from love, a normal life, and even the solace of death, he embarks on a quest to understand and surmount his lineage’s challenges. His journey is marked by cold light and the guidance of a guardian as venerable as the mystical Shards of Fate themselves.

Edward Loom, the author, brings a rich and varied palette of influences to his storytelling. Residing in Bucharest, Romania, his passion for stories spans across mediums—ranging from literary works like “Mortal Instruments” and “The Witcher” to the expansive narratives found in comics, movies, TV shows, anime, and the gaming industry. Drawing inspiration from these sources, Loom has filtered and morphed them through his distinct perspective to craft a “happy twisted place” that forms the universe of his novel.

“Shards of Fate” spans 360 pages and is now available for purchase in both physical and eBook formats. The novel, bearing the ISBN 978-1-59211-385-9, can be acquired directly from as well as all major book retailers. It is distributed globally by the Independent Publishers Group (IPG), ensuring that Loom’s gripping tale reaches a wide audience of fantasy enthusiasts.

Histria Books, through its varied imprints including Addison & Highsmith Publishers, continues to support and publish diverse and compelling literary works. Potential authors interested in exploring publishing opportunities with Histria Books are encouraged to reach out via for more information.

“Shards of Fate” by Edward Loom ventures into the boundless realms of epic fantasy, promising to take readers on a journey filled with darkness, destiny, and the quest for understanding one’s place in the fabric of existence. It stands as a testament to the vitality and boundless imagination that continues to thrive within the genre, offering a fresh narrative that will undoubtedly captivate its readers.