In a significant development in the world of philanthropic giving, EverTrue, a frontrunner in data, software, and strategic solutions for higher education advancement, has unveiled its latest innovation named Signal. This newly launched donor experience platform sets out to transform how organizations engage with donors by leveraging sophisticated technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation.

Signal is designed to enhance the donor-organization relationship significantly by scaling up personalized engagement. The platform draws inspiration from EverTrue’s successful Donor Experience Officer programs, aiming to amplify meaningful donor interactions tenfold. Through cadence-based outreach, Signal focuses on deepening relationships with existing donors and expanding the prospect pipeline, thereby optimizing fundraising efforts across the spectrum of donor engagement.

The core of Signal’s innovation lies in its use of data integration and AI to streamline and enhance donor interactions. According to Brent Grinna, founder and CEO of EverTrue, the platform is engineered to “unlock philanthropy today – not decades from now” by using AI to synthesize data and direct outreach effectively. This approach allows frontline fundraisers to penetrate the often overwhelming noise of digital communication, ensuring that their messages are both timely and resonant.

Signal offers several standout features designed to optimize fundraising workflow and maximize engagement opportunities. Among these are flexible outreach touchpoints or ‘Cadences,’ which aid fundraisers in maintaining a polite yet persistent communication strategy. Additionally, the platform provides AI-powered tools including email recommendations and constituent profile summaries that simplify daily tasks for fundraisers and enhance the personalization of communications.

Another innovative element is the Donor Potential Score (DPS), a continually updated scoring system that helps teams identify and prioritize high-potential donors. This feature, coupled with visual analytics, offers valuable insights that assist in strategic decision-making and performance evaluation.

Feedback from early adopters of the platform has been overwhelmingly positive, illustrating its potential to redefine the fundraising landscape. Nate Clapham from the University of Northern Iowa praised Signal for streamlining intricate tasks, thereby allowing development teams to focus on high-value activities such as donor visits and follow-ups. Similarly, Brett Riley of Liberty University highlighted how Signal facilitates the creation of personalized and consistent donor interactions, making donors feel genuinely recognized and valued.

The launch of Signal is part of EverTrue’s broader mission to enhance fundraising efficiency and effectiveness through innovative technology. Since its inception, EverTrue has merged with ThankView and expanded by acquiring companies such as The Solas Group, Pledgemine, and Fundriver, further cementing its position as a leader in donor engagement solutions. With the introduction of Signal, EverTrue continues to pave the way for transforming fundraising practices, providing organizations with the tools to build stronger, data-driven relationships with their donors.

For organizations looking to upgrade their fundraising strategies, EverTrue offers personalized demonstrations of Signal, providing insights into how the platform can tailor its capabilities to specific fundraising needs. As donor expectations continue to evolve, platforms like Signal represent crucial advancements in meeting the demand for more tailored and meaningful engagement in the philanthropic sector.