In a significant development that promises to bolster innovation and advancement in cancer treatment, Flamingo Therapeutics, a biotechnology company at the forefront of RNA-targeted therapies, has announced the appointment of Dr. Ezra Cohen to its Board of Directors. With a distinguished career in medical oncology and cancer research specializing in head and neck cancers, Dr. Cohen brings invaluable expertise and insight to Flamingo as it progresses with its Phase 2 trial in Head & Neck Cancer (HNSCC) and embarks on an initiative to combat Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS).

Flamingo Therapeutics, headquartered in Leuven, Belgium, with operational wings in Strasbourg, France, and Philadelphia, USA, is dedicated to the development of novel RNA-targeted therapies, particularly for oncology. Its current focal project involves danvatirsen, a potent STAT3 targeting agent that is being evaluated in combination with pembrolizumab for HNSCC, an area of oncology that has seen limited advancements in treatment options over the past decades.

Dr. Ezra Cohen, currently the Chief Medical Officer of Oncology at Tempus AI, has a track record of leadership and innovation in oncology. His previous roles include Chief of the Division of Hematology-Oncology and Associate Director of Clinical Science at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center, where he also led the Precision Immunotherapy Clinic. With a career that spans over two decades, including 15 years at the University of Chicago where he was integral to the Head and Neck Cancer Program, Dr. Cohen’s appointment is a testament to Flamingo’s commitment to breaking new ground in cancer therapy.

Flamingo Therapeutics’ CEO, Stephane van Rooijen, MD, MBA, hailed Dr. Cohen’s appointment as a significant milestone for the company, emphasizing the synergistic potential of Dr. Cohen’s expertise with Flamingo’s innovative RNA-targeting approach to improve treatment outcomes in cancer. Chris Mirabelli, PhD, Chairman of the Board of Flamingo, echoed this sentiment, noting Dr. Cohen’s leading role in oncology drug development and his contribution to the success of numerous drugs across his career.

Flamingo’s strategic direction, underscored by its collaboration with Ionis Pharmaceuticals and support from leading biotechnology investors, highlights the company’s position on the cutting edge of cancer research. Its ongoing trials, including the Phase II PEMDA-HN trial and a Phase 1 study targeting AML and MDS, showcase Flamingo’s dedication to expanding the possibilities of RNA-targeted therapies in oncology.

The intersection of Dr. Cohen’s expertise with Flamingo’s pioneering vision points to an exciting future for oncology treatment, especially in areas desperately in need of innovative therapeutic options. With a focus on RNA-targeted therapies, Flamingo Therapeutics is not just challenging the status quo but is paving the way for a new era where the treatment of oncological diseases can be more precise, effective, and, importantly, more hopeful for patients around the globe.