Henrico, VA – In an era where mental health and personal well-being are at the forefront of social conversations, a new book emerges to offer practical wisdom and guidance. Renowned Licensed Clinical Psychologist AP Filosa, Psy. D., also known as Anne F. Creekmore Psy. D., melds decades of professional experience with personal insight in her latest publication, “Love Yourself, Love Your Life”. This comprehensive guide aims to empower individuals to harness their inner strength and channel it positively in their daily lives.

Dr. Filosa, who obtained her doctorate from the prestigious Virginia Consortium of Professional Psychology at only twenty-six, has since established herself as an authority in clinical psychology. Recognized for her contributions to the field with numerous accolades—including Virginia Psychologist of the Year in both 2019 and 2021—Dr. Filosa bases her new book on forty years of professional practice observing and treating individuals from diverse backgrounds.

“Love Yourself, Love Your Life” addresses a wide audience, ranging from individuals struggling with unhappiness or anxiety to parents, therapists, and medical professionals seeking strategies to support the youth and broader communities. Dr. Filosa’s work is grounded in comprehensive psychological theories, from traditional schools of thought to contemporary approaches in psychotherapy, making complex concepts accessible and engaging for readers.

A pivotal aspect of this book is its real-life applicability. Dr. Filosa not only delves into abstract psychological principles but also provides practical tools and handouts designed to assist readers in transforming their negative thought patterns into positive outcomes. This transformation, according to Dr. Filosa, is key to constructing supportive and healthy relationships and, on a larger scale, can contribute significantly to societal well-being by addressing and mitigating issues such as school shootings and other forms of community harm.

Published by Newman Springs Publishing, “Love Yourself, Love Your Life” is now available for purchase in various formats, including eBook and print, at major retailers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the Apple iBooks Store. This publication promises to be an essential resource for anyone aspiring to effectuate personal growth and enhanced life satisfaction through self-understanding and love.

As the conversation surrounding mental health continues to evolve, Dr. Filosa’s new book provides readers with both the theoretical grounding and practical tools essential for psychological well-being and improved life experience. Through her expert guidance, readers are invited to explore the depths of their own psyche, harness their inherent power, and embark on a transformative journey towards loving themselves and enriching their lives.