In a delightful fusion of global diplomacy and cultural celebration, the picturesque city of Paris recently served as the backdrop for the “When Yantai Meets Bordeaux” wine gift box launch event. This sophisticated gathering marked an important milestone—the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France. Held on May 3, 2024, this event symbolized a deep-rooted friendship and a mutual commitment towards fostering cultural and economic exchanges.

The event was not just a wine tasting affair but an epitome of cultural diplomacy, aligning with the ongoing Cultural Tourism Year celebrations shared between the two nations. Hosted by the News & Information Center of Xinhua News Agency together with the Yantai Municipal People’s Government Information Office, the launch saw the convergence of 60 esteemed guests from both China and France. These guests were not just connoisseurs of fine wine but also representatives from various sectors including culture, tourism, cuisine, and environmental protection.

During the event, key speakers took the stage to underline the historical and evolving relationship between the two nations. One notable figure was Fabrice Sommier, President of the French Sommelier Union, who played a significant role in curating the exquisite wine selections for the gift box. Additionally, Wang Lei, director of the News & Information Center of Xinhua, reminded attendees of a pivotal moment in Sino-French winemaking history. Over 130 years ago, Changyu, the first wine company in China, was founded in Yantai, marking the beginning of China’s winemaking journey, which included producing the nation’s very first wine and brandy.

This event was more than a celebration; it was a tribute to the longstanding camaraderie and the future of cooperative ventures between Yantai and the French wine industry. Noteworthy speeches also came from Guillaume Roussy, former president of the Saumur AOC-level Wine Association, and Pascal Durand, founder and chairman of the Pinot Noir Association, who both advocated for continued collaboration.

A highlight of the event was the unveiling of the special commemorative red wine gift box. Assembled by Sommier, this collection creatively dubbed “60 Years of Sino-French Friendship, 60 Pairs,” featured carefully selected wines representing both regions—Chateau Phelan Segur 2018 from Bordeaux, and Yantai Changyu Longyu Cabernet Sauvignon from China. The pairing of these wines not only illustrated a shared passion for viticulture but also symbolized a bridge linking the two distinct cultures and histories.

Gong Haitao, executive deputy director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Yantai Municipal Committee, provided context on the significance of Yantai in the red wine world, emphasizing its historical charm and its role in introducing Yantai globally. It was announced that the sales from the unique wine gift boxes would support EcoTree, an environmental organization committed to global green and low-carbon initiatives, reinforcing the event’s dedication to sustainability.

This gathering was not just about reflecting on 60 years of formal relationships; it served as a platform for advancing mutual understanding and celebrating the enriching exchanges that have characterized the Sino-French alliance. As these nations look forward, the shared love for wine and commitment to a sustainable future promises to keep strengthening bonds in intriguing and innovative ways.