During a recent episode of Britain’s Got Talent aired on ITV, head judge Simon Cowell seemingly vanished in a dramatic magic trick orchestrated by the group Magicians Assemble. The group, comprising former contestants Ben Hart, Colin Cloud, and Elizabeth The Haunting, claimed they had come from the future and collaboratively performed a series of illusions. Their final trick involved blindfolding Cowell and smashing an hourglass, after which Cowell disappeared, leaving only confetti behind.

The incident left fellow judges Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, and Bruno Tonioli, as well as the audience, confused about Cowell’s whereabouts. The show ended with Cowell’s voice teasing the next episode. Alongside this magical feat, various other acts performed, including roller-skaters Vlada Kamyshnikova and Yevhenii Yemelianenko, who earned a golden buzzer from Cowell.

The episode concluded with the announcement of an exciting lineup of guest performers for the upcoming live semi-finals and grand finale, including the casts of Disney’s “The Lion King” and “Frozen,” and artist Alesha Dixon. Britain’s Got Talent continues on Sunday at 8pm on ITV1 and ITVX.