In a major announcement made at the NVIDIA GTC global AI conference on March 18, 2024, Synopsys, Inc., a leader in silicon to system design solutions, unveiled its latest advancements in Electronic Design Automation (EDA) performance, powered by NVIDIA’s accelerated computing, generative AI, and Omniverse technologies. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in Synopsys’ ongoing effort to revolutionise chip design and automotive prototyping, highlighting the company’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence and computing advancements.

Synopsys’ integration with NVIDIA’s GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip is projected to achieve up to 15 times faster runtimes across its entire EDA stack, which encompasses design, verification, simulation, and manufacturing processes. This development promises to significantly expedite the engineering of chips, setting a new benchmark for the industry.

The collaboration extends beyond just hardware acceleration. Synopsys is also integrating its generative AI capabilities from for chip design into NVIDIA’s AI Enterprise software platform. This includes leveraging NVIDIA microservices and accelerated computing infrastructure, which further underscores the depth of this partnership. Copilot, a pioneering generative AI tool for engineering teams, is designed to tackle systemic complexity and speed up the time to market with its conversational intelligence capabilities.

In parallel, the automotive industry stands to benefit from this alliance through the integration of Synopsys’ leading electronics digital twin solutions with NVIDIA Omniverse. This collaboration aims at delivering next-generation digital twins, thereby streamlining the process of designing, testing, and validating software-defined and increasingly autonomous vehicles. Digital twins of both the vehicle electronics and the environment will enable a more sophisticated and nuanced approach to automotive design and safety.

Synopsys has a long history of empowering engineering innovation, and its partnership with NVIDIA highlights a shared vision for the future of design and manufacturing. “Synopsys has a proud history of empowering engineering teams to solve previously unsolvable challenges, and now we’re taking that to the next level by harnessing the power of AI and accelerated computing,” stated Sassine Ghazi, president and CEO of Synopsys.

This collaborative effort is not only an exemplification of how AI and accelerated computing are transforming industrial workloads but also a testament to the potential for these technologies to push the boundaries of what’s possible in chip design and automotive prototyping. As the industry continues to evolve, the synergy between Synopsys and NVIDIA is poised to catalyze further innovation, accelerating the pace at which next-generation technologies are developed and brought to market.

The anticipated results of this partnership echo the broader industry trend of leveraging artificial intelligence and high-performance computing to overcome traditional barriers in chip design and manufacturing. As these technologies continue to advance, the potential for further efficiencies and breakthroughs in the semiconductor and automotive sectors is vast.

Synopsys’ forward-looking approach, combined with NVIDIA’s prowess in AI and computing, is setting new industry standards, demonstrating how strategic partnerships can pave the way for breakthrough innovations in an era of pervasive intelligence. With general availability of the integrated solutions expected in 2025, the industry is keenly watching how this partnership will unfold and the innovative solutions it will bring to the forefront.