Artificial intelligence is poised to redefine healthcare once again through Tempus Inc.’s latest innovation: Tempus Next, a care pathway intelligence platform that is setting new standards in precision medicine. This development marks a significant leap in utilizing AI to enhance patient outcomes and facilitate the accessibility of guideline-directed treatments at the point of care.

Tempus, known for its robust integration of AI in healthcare, has built Tempus Next to interlink seamlessly with electronic medical records (EMRs). It leverages a comprehensive amalgam of data types including clinical notes, molecular data, and imaging. Its primary function is to identify when care deviates from established guidelines and to furnish healthcare providers with actionable, real-time insights, thus potentially transforming patient management by facilitating the most effective treatment options.

The introduction of Tempus Next is an extension of the company’s ongoing commitment to advancing healthcare through technology. The AI platform goes beyond merely collecting data by actively analyzing it to pinpoint discrepancies in patient care. For doctors, this means receiving alerts when treatment protocols are not adhered to, allowing for rapid correction and alignment with the best clinical practices.

According to Eric Lefkofsky, CEO and Founder of Tempus, the platform’s capability is unprecedented, partly because of its large-scale implementation. “Given that Tempus is now connected in near real time to more than 50% of all oncologists in the U.S., we have the ability to deploy AI solutions at a scale that has historically not been possible,” he stated.

With precision medicine as its cornerstone, Tempus initially focused on cardiology and deployed over sixty care pathway intelligence algorithms across more than eighty hospitals. The technology has now moved into the oncology arena, starting with critical areas such as lung and breast cancer and collaborating with prominent institutions to further its reach and efficacy.

The potential impact of such a platform is vast. Andrew Parchman, MD, the Precision Oncology Medical Director at TriHealth Cancer Institute, emphasized Tempus Next’s alignment with proactive, personalized patient care. He highlighted its capacity for notifying healthcare teams of care gaps, which ensures that care is both timely and evidence-based.

Dr. Abhinav B. Chandra from Yuma Regional Medical Center Cancer Center also praised the new platform: “The Tempus Next platform has revolutionized patient care by delivering actionable insights in real time. These insights enable timely adjustments to patient management, ensuring precision and responsive healthcare.”

Tempus’s vision with Tempus Next goes beyond conventional treatment methods; it embraces a holistic approach that not only treats but also anticipates patient needs. By doing so, the platform not only revolutionizes the experience of healthcare providers but, more importantly, that of the patients by ensuring quicker, more accurate, and individually tailored treatment plans. This form of care is poised to set new benchmarks in healthcare standards, making a profound impact on how diseases are managed and treated in the future.