In a bold move showcasing the United Kingdom’s burgeoning tech ecosystem, a stunning 3D-hologram installation, dubbed The Ever-Changing Statue, has been unveiled in New York City. This unique attraction, designed to celebrate over 160 of the U.K.’s unicorn companies—startups valued at over $1 billion—marks the U.K.’s status as the third-largest destination for tech investment globally, trailing only behind the United States and China.

Sited at Rise, a facility by Barclays aimed at fostering innovation within the financial sector, the installation is the brainchild of the GREAT Britain and Northern Ireland Campaign (GREAT). GREAT is the U.K. government’s premiere international communications initiative, aimed at driving economic growth by highlighting the U.K.’s key offerings in trade, investment, education, and more. The project leverages technology from British company HYPERVSN to project the holograms, providing visitors with an immersive experience that vividly illustrates the U.K.’s tech prowess.

The installation not only spotlights the founders and CEOs of significant U.K. tech startups but also embodies the country’s dynamic and forward-thinking approach to technology and business. Companies like Quantexa, Blockchain, Octopus Energy Group, and Proximie are among those featured, reflecting the U.K.’s strengths in fields such as artificial intelligence, fintech, health, and biotech. This initiative arrives on the heels of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s announcement of a bold plan to establish the U.K. as a global science and tech superpower by 2030, underpinned by significant investment in infrastructure, quantum computing, supercomputing, and AI.

The U.K.’s distinction as a tech hub is not newfound; it’s the culmination of years of government support, including investment and regulatory reforms aimed at fostering innovation and ease of business. In 2021 alone, the U.K. government invested £14 billion in research and development. This supportive environment, coupled with the U.K.’s wealth of talent, esteemed universities, and the central role of London as Europe’s financial nucleus, has made the country a magnet for venture capital investments, accumulating more than $20 billion in 2022.

The Ever-Changing Statue serves as more than just a tribute to past and present achievements; it’s a beacon for the future, inviting global investors and innovators to engage with the U.K.’s vibrant startup ecosystem. Such an initiative underscores the interconnected nature of the global tech landscape, where success in one region can resonate worldwide, sparking further innovation and cooperation.

Despite the proliferation of unicorn companies on a global scale, with more than 1,000 in existence today, they remain a rare breed, constituting less than 1% of all venture-backed startups. The U.K.’s ability to nurture these companies, achieving a prominent status in the tech world, speaks volumes about its collaborative spirit, access to capital, and forward-thinking approach to business and innovation.

As the U.K. continues to forge a path as a leader in the global tech ecosystem, The Ever-Changing Statue stands as a testament to the country’s unwavering ambition and the boundless potential of its startups. Positioned in the heart of New York City, it invites the world to witness the U.K.’s technological achievements and to envision a future shaped by continuous innovation and cross-border collaborations.