In an era where digital transformation is paramount, cybersecurity stands as the bulwark against the ever-evolving threat landscape. Recently, TrueFort, a pioneering force in lateral movement protection, has been propelled into the limelight, earning the prestigious title of Hot Security Company of the Year for Cloud/SaaS Security at the 20th annual Globee® Awards. This acknowledgment not only emphasizes TrueFort’s innovative approach to cybersecurity but also signals a significant shift towards more dynamic, behavior-based security strategies in the fight against cyber threats.

Based in Weehawken, New Jersey, TrueFort has set a new benchmark in enterprise micro-segmentation, a critical component in the enforcement of Zero Trust policies. The TrueFort Platform is designed to provide real-time protection for cloud, data center, and hybrid applications, leveraging patented behavioral analytics and policy automation. This innovative technique allows for the detection and halting of unauthorized lateral movements, compromised credentials, ransomware attacks, supply chain disruptions, and insider threats.

The significance of TrueFort’s achievement is underscored by the rigorous selection process at the Globee Awards, involving more than 580 global experts. The awards are celebrated for recognizing the world’s best in organizational performance, products and services, innovations, executives and management teams, women in business and the professions, case studies and successful deployments, public relations and marketing campaigns, product management, websites, blogs, white-papers, videos, advertisements, creativity, partner programs, and customer satisfaction programs in every conceivable industry.

TrueFort’s CEO, Sameer Malhotra elucidates that “Cloud migration leaves security gaps that traditional tools can’t address because they don’t understand how applications normally behave including their workload and network activity.” It is here that TrueFort’s platform stands out – by providing an unparalleled view into application intelligence and workload behavior analytics which, from day one, allows its customers to benefit from enforced Zero Trust micro-segmentation, thereby containing lateral movement and mitigating the spread of ransomware.

One of TrueFort’s unique capacities is its ability to automate micro-segmentation through existing CrowdStrike Falcon and SentinelOne agents already deployed within infrastructure. This application-centric approach transcends traditional network activity monitoring, extending protection to the abuse of service accounts as well— a capability crucial for modern enterprises operating across the data center and cloud environments.

TrueFort’s origins, founded by former IT executives from Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, add a layer of industry insight and credibility that resonates with large global enterprises. These firms, now placing their trust in TrueFort, are assured of a solution that delivers unmatched application environment discovery and micro-segmentation for both identity and activity paradigms.

As cybersecurity threats continue to become more sophisticated, TrueFort’s recognition at the Globee® Awards serves as a testament to the critical need for innovation and excellence in the field. In navigating the complexities of digital security, TrueFort’s approach embodies a forward-thinking methodology that is not just reactive but predictive, offering a resilient shield against potential cyber adversities.